Real-time three-dimensional surface measurement by color encoded light projection

Citation: S. Y. Chen, Y. F. Li, etc., "Real-time three-dimensional surface measurement by color encoded light projection", Applied Physics Letters, Volume 89, Issue 11, 11 September 2006, pp. 111108.

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S. Y. Chen College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, China Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg, Germany Email:

Y. F. Li Dept of MEEM, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Q. Guan and G. Xiao College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, China

Existing noncontact methods for surface measurement suffer from the disadvantages of poor reliability, low scanning speed, or high cost. We present a method for real-time three-dimensional data acquisition by a color-coded vision sensor composed of common components. We use a digital projector controlled by computer to generate desired color light patterns. The unique indexing of the light codes is a key problem and is solved in this study so that surface perception can be performed with only local pattern analysis of the neighbor color codes in a single image. Experimental examples and performance analysis are provided.

PACS numbers: 42.30.Tz(Computer Vision), 42.66.Lc(Light detection), 42.79.Ls(Scanners), 43.28.We(Measurement and Instrumentation), 95.75.-z, 42.30.-d

Using artificial vision to obtain the three-dimensional (3D) model of an object is very important to many engineering applications. A number of 3D scanning methods have been explored by researchers in the past years. However, fast (especially real-time) acquisition of 3D surface from images is still a big challenging problem in the field1. The most widely known passive method for 3D acquisition is stereo vision2,3. However, it has a correspondence problem which has been formulated as an ill-posed problem in a general context4. An alternative approach is active method in which properly formatted light or laser is emitted in the direction of an object, reflected on its surface and received by the sensor5-10. The correspondence problem is solved using multi-pass dynamic programming algorithm. However, these systems still need to take dozens of images for recovering a 3D scene. As a result, its speed is limited and applications are restricted to reconstruction of stationary objects. For dynamic use, 3D measurement using a single image is desired.

For this reason, a recent method is to use a color projector which can be controlled by a computer to generate arbitrary desired color patterns. A problem of the color encoded projection is the unique indexing of the light codes so that the coordinates in the color projection can be determined in a single image. In many cases some light grids are invisible or only partially visible due to occlusions and discontinuities of the objects. Therefore it is essential that each light grid be uniquely identified by incorporating only local neighborhoods in the pattern. Although some efforts have also tried in the coding technology11-14 to improve the light pattern, a practical system has to consider more application requirements.

Here we consider a sensor consisting of a CCD camera and a digital projector (Fig. 1). The idea is to design special light patterns for illumination projection and fast code matching. Based on this idea, the system combines both advantages of stereo vision for fast 3D measurement from a single image and structured light system for accuracy and stability.

Let P be a set of color primitives, P={1,2, …, p} ( where the numbers {1, …, p} representing different colors, e.g.1=WHITE, 2=RED, 3=GREEN, 4=BLUE, etc.). These color primitives are assigned to an m×n matrix M to form the encoded pattern. We define a word by the color value at location (i, j) in M and the color values of its 4-adjacent neighbors. If xij is the assigned color point at row i and column j in M, then the word for defining this location is a substring like wij =(xij , , , , ).

i, j −1 xi−,1 j xi, j +1 xi +,1 j

If a lookup table is maintained for all of the word values in M, each word defines a location in M. We can know that an m×n matrix M has (m-1)×(n-1) words. These words are made up of a set W. The condition is, we wish, to assign the color primitives of P to the matrix M so that there are no two identical words in the matrix and every element has the different color with its adjacent neighbors in the word.

In this way, each defined location is unique and thus correspondence will be no problem. That is, if the pattern is projected onto a scene, and the word value for an imaged point (u, v) is determined, then the corresponding position (i, j) in M of this imaged point is uniquely defined. Of course, in addition to having each word of M be unique, we also wish to optimize the color assignments so that matrix M is as large as possible.

According to perspective transformation principle, the image coordinates and the assigned code words of a spatial point are corresponded with its world coordinates. We can establish such a mapping relation between an image point and the spatial point. X, Y, Z are the coordinates of a world point, corresponding with the image coordinates u, v and x, y. Together with the system calibration parameters, the 3D information of surface points can be easily computed. Effectively, it can guarantee that the measurement system has a limited cost of computation since it only needs to analyze a small part of the scene and identifies the coordinates by local image processing. Therefore the acquisition efficiency is greatly improved.

Consider the code generation scheme. First, with a given color set P, we try to make a longest horizontal code sequence, Sh =[c1, c2, c3 , ..., c ]

, in which each color primitive


is different with its adjacent ones and any triplet of adjacent colors, T ih =[c


i ci+1 ci+2], is unique in the sequence. It can be proved that the maximal length of the horizontal sequence Sh is: Length(Sh) = p(p-1)(p-1)+2. This sequence can be generated by a searching algorithm. For example, given a set with 4 colors, the horizontal sequence can be: Sh(4) = [12421213132312343243413423214143142412].

Second, with a given color set P, we try to make a longest vertical color sequence, S =[c , c2, c3, ..., c ]. For any adjacent color pair, it is unique in the sequence. In fact,

v 1 n

the maximal length of the vertical sequence Sv is: Length(Sv) = p(p-1) +1. Such a sequence can be generated in this way: S =[1 p, 1) -(p ., . . p, 2 ... 4 2 3 2 p, 1... 4 1 3 1 2 1]. For

v example, given a set with 4 colors, the vertical sequence can be: Sv(4) = [1 2 1 3 1 4 2 3 2 4 3 4 1].

Finally, the matrix for color projection can be generated by the maximal vertical and horizontal code sequences (Sh and Sv). This makes a matrix with size of (p-1)(p-2)+2 by p(p-1)2+2 which is the maximum possible for each codeword being unique in the matrix. The first row in the matrix can be defined by Sh. A second row is created by adding the first element of Sv to each element of Sh modulo p, where the modulo operation is only on the set {1, 2 . . . . . p}. Create a third row by adding the second element of Sv to each element of Sh modulo p. In this way, for a 4-color set the construction is an 8×38 matrix.

If we define S = Sh Sv, it can be proved that each word in the matrix S is uniquely located.

This method formulizes the generation of a special code matrix which satisfies the condition of uniqueness. This generation scheme is a finite automata. To increase the matrix size so that the digital projector will project a light pattern with better resolution, we have to increase the color number. In our laboratory, a set with 7 colors is often used, which can generate a matrix for a 32×212 rectangle.

Consider the image processing and 3D computation. One important step is to find a unique word (initial seed) in an unknown area of a captured image. It can be implemented in this way. Randomly generate a position in the image. The color at this position should not be BLACK otherwise it should be regenerated. Find the square grid point at that position. A color similarity measurement is used to search a quadrangle in which colors are changing slightly compared with those outside. Based on this grid point, we try to locate its four adjacent neighbors. Simply set the offset to be the gridsize estimated, the left, right, above, and nether points are initialized and the four square areas are determined. If this grid point is found not in the excepted position, or any one of the four neighbors failed to be located, another initial position should be generated. The coordinates of the seed word can be determined according to the five grid points by indexing the code word in the pattern matrix.

Then, a Flood Search Algorithm15-16 is used for word identification throughout the whole image. It firstly tries to search several grid points around the seed word, and then search more grid points near the known area. Each point to be added in the known partial net has to satisfy three conditions – its color, size, and regularity. Since it is a ‘one-pass’ method,

i.e. the pixels are computed only in a small local area once, the image processing can be performed very fast, promising real-time applications.

Finally, mesh amendment and grid interpolation procedures are developed for optimization of 3D results. The projection of the coded pattern should result in a regular mesh. Due to the complexity of the scene and uncertainty in image processing, the constructed grid matrix could have some faults (namely holes and leaves). To correct these faults, this research develops a Mesh Amendment Procedure to find and amend them as illustrated in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.

After all possible code words are identified from the image, it is now easy to compute the 3D world coordinates of these points according to the calibration matrices. It yields a rough 3D map of the scene. In order to improve the resolution, we may perform an interpolation algorithm on the map. Depending on application requirements, the interpolation may be only on the segment of two adjacent grid points or inside the square area formed by four regular grid points.

Practical implementation and performance analysis have been carried out in our vision system lab. In fact, the method has to be integrated with other techniques and algorithms for automating the modeling process, such as system calibration, image processing, 3D representation, and visualization. Thanks to many fundamental works developed in our early projects, the experimental system is not very difficult to be set up. The vision system (Fig. 4) is based on structured light principle set up with a projector and a camera. A 32 by 212 encoded pattern generated from a 7-color set is used to illuminate the scene. Images are captured by the camera and 3D meshes are reconstructed by the vision system after seed words initialization, flood-search, mesh amendment and correction.

To evaluate the execution performance and analyze the efficiency, this research used a Performance Analyzer to check the time spent in some important procedures. Results show that for 3D reconstruction in low-level or mid-level resolution (computing the 3D coordinates on grid points or grid edges), it takes about 10 ms to 100 ms. Such a speed is adequate for most engineering applications.

In summary, we have carried out an experimental investigation of a method for generating an encoded colored light pattern for real-time 3D data acquisition. The system combines both the advantages of stereo vision for fast 3D reconstruction from a single image and structured light system for accuracy and stability. The method does not have a limit in the smoothness of object surface since it only needs analyzing a small part of the scene and identifies the coordinates by image local processing, which greatly improves the 3D measurement efficiency. The cost for setting up such a sensor is much lower than current 3D scanners. The limitation of the proposed method is that the sensor can usually only be used for measurement of objects with uniform or slightly changing colors and without much environment light disturbance. Otherwise, an adaptive color coding scheme should be applied, which is currently under consideration by authors.

This work was supported by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong [Project no CityU117605] and the National Natural Science Foundation of China [NSFC-60405009], [ZJNSF-Y105101, Y104185], and a grant for Key Research Items from the Dept of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province [2006C21002]. S. Y. Chen is a research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany.


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Figure captions

FIG. 1. Sensor structure of color-encoded vision for real-time 3D surface measurement. A light pattern with special codes is projected on to the object from the digital projector and a color CCD camera is used to capture the scene image. 3D coordinates of each point on the object surface are computed by analyzing the codes on the color image.

FIG. 2. Cases of mesh amendment for holes (in which INSERTION operation is necessary.)

FIG. 3. Cases of mesh amendment for leaves (in which DELETION operation is necessary.)

FIG. 4. The testing system set up in the laboratory for implementation and evaluation of the proposed method